Y clod y gogoniant y gallu o bob rhyw

Y clod, y gogoniant,
    y gallu o bob rhyw,
A redo fel moroedd i enw fy Nuw;
  Y dechreu a'r diwedd,
      o'r ddaear i'r nef,
  O ras ac o haeddiant yn unig yw Ef. 

Bu farw, o gariad, ar bren yn fy lle,
I godi'r un gwaelaf
    o'r ddaear i'r ne';
  Bendithion a gollais, ennillodd i mi,
  A chanmil ychwaneg
      ar ben Galfari.

Wel, bellach, mi gredaf,
    er nad wyf ond gwan;
Edrychaf o ddyfnder y ddaear i'r lan:
  Agorodd ei gariad ffordd newydd a byw,
  O ganol tywyllwch
      i fynwes fy Nuw.

Cyduned trigolion y ddaear i gyd
Mewn sain o orfoledd
    i Brynwr y byd,
  Mor dirion ei gariad i holl ddynoryw,
  I'r penaf droseddwr
      ddychwelyd, a byw.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 11.11.11.ll]

  Mae enw f'Anwylyd mor anwyl mor fawr
  Wel bellach mi gredaf er nad wyf ond gwan

May the praise, the glory,
   the power of every kind,
Run like seas to the name of my God;
  The beginning and the ending,
      of the earth and heaven,
  Of grace and of merit alone is he.

He died, from love, on a tree in my place,
To raise a worst one
    from the earth to heaven;
  Blessings that I lost, he won for me,
  And a hundred thousand in addition
      on the summit of Calvary.

See, henceforth, I believe,
    although I am only weak;
I look up from the depth of the earth:
  His love opened a new and living way,
  From the centre of darkness
      to the bosom of my God.

Let all the inhabitants of the earth unite
In a sound of jubilation
    to the Redeemer of the world,
  How tender his love for all humankind,
  For the chief of sinners
      to return, and live.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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